Monday, May 31, 2010

just a few words (:

well seeing as i havent written in this blog thought i would post a few words,sentences
what not

almost a month now
god im such a loser that im counting the weeks

what to say about matt
only that hes the most awesome guy iv met in my life (:
and out of the millions of other girls out there
he chose me (:

i love waking up in the morning to a text from him saying "morning gorgeous"
or "sleep well hun"

he told me the other night he wrote me a song and i had the biggest smile on my face
i dont think he knows just how happy he really makes me

even though you lock your keys out of your car
and fail at typing (:


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

mattern warfare(:

was sitting at home bored waiting for dad to take me to school
and thought

Ahhhh ! i should make a blog

so why not wank on about the coolest kidd out there


Whats not to adore about him
His cute smile
his noob laugh
his random nomnomnom noises
his gangsteeeeerrr dance moves
hes a pro at locking his keys in his car
and making me wait for AA with him (:
his sulking face makes me lol :)
reading him a bedtime story everynight on the phone
and telling him every detail about my boring day lolol

known him for a short time but it feels like ive known him for ages
Hes pretty much the coolest person i know
and i know alot of people :O

and in less then 30 hours im going to be in christchurch !!!!

so the point of this blog was to remind my imaginary stalkers of the most amazing guy i know


shoot dads here
probly not a good time to have written this
gotta go cook up a fire with emily in FNT (food and nutriton) blaaahh

Lataz on the manjay

Matt ftw (:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the day my life went wow

so the date may 2nd
time? fucked if i know but northlands had just opened
i was with kirsten and her mum in christchurch
it was me&&kirsten's mums birthday
we were on a mission
get some numbers while we waited for our coffees ( :
i looked over at this guy just sitting there eating his breakfast
and thought wow hes pretty hot
i nudged kirsten and she agreed and we made our way over to him
"heeeeey" i said and he looked up. brown eyes : )
he said hi back and we started chatting about what not
then i asked him if i could get a photo with him saying it was for a scavenger hunt (total lie)
he agreed and i got a picture
as me and kirsten walked to where her mum was waiting i asked kirsten if she could get his number for me as i was to shy
she agreed and a few minutes later she came back with his number and a name
matt ( :
and then i texted him for ze first time
at first i thought he liked kirsten so i was a little gutted but i still texted him
then i was shocked to discover how much we had in common
after about a week of texting we met up again
he brought his friend jarrod and i brought kirsten
was pretty fun but the next day was better
we laid on the grass and listened to Kings of Leon (our band) and he played with my hair
after kirsten went off with some guys she started talkign to we were making jokes then i took the risk
i said "your a noob" and kissed him
after that i knew i liked him
after a few days of flirting some more he asked me out
and since then life has been freaking awesome
he lives an hour away from me so i dont get to see him in the week and thats sucks but the weekends are awesome (:
so the point of this blog was really just to write down memories so that way when im old and my memory sucks juice box i can look at this and remember those memories and that one guy ( :

matt : i know youll be reading this (cause you stalk me )
i just want you to know
you mean heaps to me and i adore you xoxox
whether we are sitting in the freezing cold cause you locked your keys in the car or sitting in your car listening to music and talking its amazing and every moment spent with you is perfect

matt james andrew hogarth
i adore you : )